
Making kama truffles with children

Children are led by curiosity. Even if they do not want to try some foods, they are ready to taste it if they prepare it themselves.

Teach your child the skills of chopping, blending, grinding and mixing food and soon you might enjoy the Sunday pancakes in bed. The mess of your kitchen is a small sacrifice when sharing the joy of cooking with your child.

Cooking together gives you the opportunity to communicate and spend quality time together. This might be the start of a good tradition for your family.

It is easy to make kama balls or truffles, and if you use berry mix blends, you will also be happy with nice cheerful colours.

With the help of an adult, 3-4 years old can make truffles. For older ones, it can be a fun joint activity, perhaps when celebrating a birthday party.

Children are incredibly creative. We offer two slightly different ways to make kama truffles – let your imagination run wild!


Strawberry kama truffles 10 – 12 truffles

200 g white chocolate

75 gr butter (unsalted)

50 ml heaving cream

3 tbsp strawberry kama + 50 gr for rolling

1/4 teaspoon salt

Melt white chocolate with a double cream and butter in a water bath. Mix the blend with kama and salt. Allow to cool, then cover with food cling film, place in the refrigerator for at least three hours (until it is sufficiently solid to allow rolling into balls


Using a spoon, mix the balls and then roll them in the reserved strawberry kama.


Blueberry kama truffles

14 to 16 truffles

200 g of cream cheese

100 g White  Chocolate

100 g blueberry kama


Mix cream cheese and blueberry kama until it is a uniform mass. Melt white chocolate in a water bath or microwave oven. Once the chocolate melts, then add the cream cheese and kama, and mix together. Mixing should be relatively quick, as the rendered chocolate starts to solidify quickly.

Cool in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.

When solid enough, you can roll beautiful egg-shaped truffles in hands. Truffles can be rolled in coconut flakes, ground almond or biscuit crumbs.


Be more creative – roll whole almonds or dried berries into truffles.

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